Sadhguru Quotes

The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.
– Sadhguru


When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.
– Sadhguru


There are joyful people and miserable people, but there are no “good” people and “bad” people.
– Sadhguru


Conscious action does not produce karma – reaction does.
– Sadhguru


Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.
– Sadhguru


Karma means your life is your making. Karmic accumulation can either be a Boost or Burden – that is your choice.
– Sadhguru


If you are constantly facing new situations, it means you are living a life of growth and great possibilities.
– Sadhguru


If you have a child, all you have to do is create a loving, supportive, and invigorating atmosphere.
– Sadhguru


We can manufacture whatever we want within ourselves – joy or misery, fear or love, anxiety or ecstasy.
– Sadhguru


Fear, anger, and hatred essentially come from a lack of perspective as to what life is all about.
– Sadhguru


A life of excess is not a good life. Excess of anything leads to perversion and depression.
– Sadhguru


If you resist change, you resist life.
– Sadhguru


Conclusion means death. Confusion means possibility.
– Sadhguru


Life is a limited amount of time and energy. Let this be used for maximum impact.
– Sadhguru


If you ask a tree how he feels to know that he’s spreading his fragrance and making people happy, I don’t think a tree looks at it that way. I am just like that, and it is just my nature to be like this.
– Sadhguru


Yoga is about rising to a new level of balance and competence in all aspects of life.
– Sadhguru


Whatever you do, just check – is it all about you, or is it for the well being of All. This settles any confusion about good and bad karma.
– Sadhguru


In pursuit of human happiness we have turned this planet into a bonfire and people aren’t even happy.
– Sadhguru


If you think hundred percent logically, there is really no possibility of life.
– Sadhguru


The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.
– Sadhguru


If you compulsively react, external situations determine how you are right now. If you consciously respond, your wellbeing is very much in your hands.
– Sadhguru


No matter what kind of karma you gathered in the past, this moment’s karma is always in your hands.
– Sadhguru


Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.
– Sadhguru


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