Quotes for Embracing & Enjoying Life | Embrace the Bliss - Page 6

You might want to decide fast. We live in a dangerous world. If you see a chance to be happy, you have to fight for it, so later you have no regrets.
– Ilona Andrews


He who lives in love enjoys life.
– Debasish Mridha


Life is not meant to just zoom from the womb to the tomb. Slow down. Enjoy the journey!


Life is a journey, there will be ups and downs. The road will not always be smooth, but if we want to reach our destination, we just have to keep moving. If we give up on the way, we will perish, but if we head up and enjoy every step of the way, we will get there just fine.


Enjoy what you can and ignore the rest. Let’s not waste any energy fighting things that are outside our control.
– Paulo Coelho


Let go of the things that make you feel dead! Life is worth living!
– Rihanna


Enjoy living life being who you are, instead of hating yourself for what you could have been. If you don’t, you’ll look back on it and realize you could have broken the mold.


You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.
– Elizabeth Gilbert


Take a deep breath and enjoy your life.


Don’t just go where you want to go, but run, jump and dance as you are going. That’s life. Enjoy every moment of life.


Life is your biggest treasure. Enjoy it. If you forget to, it will soon be gone, never to return.


Free time was the most precious time, when you should be doing what you loved, or at least slowing down enough to remember what made your life worthwhile and happy.
– Amy Tan


Nobody looks back on their life and remembers the nights they had plenty of sleep.


God put Santa Claus on earth to remind us that Christmas is ‘sposed to be a happy time.
– Bil Keane


Enjoy yourself while you’ve still got the chance.
– Olivia Manning


Live life to it’s fullest or it may seem like you died young.
– James Wattersmith


All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it.
– Samuel Butler


Life is like a river – it keeps flowing, flowing, and flowing till it merges into the sea. Nothing can stop the flow of life, but you can enjoy the journey.


Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.
– Eddie Cantor


You’ve got to have fun in life. Otherwise, wow – imagine life without fun.
– Prince Harry


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