Quotes for Embracing & Enjoying Life | Embrace the Bliss - Page 9

You will never “find” time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.
– Charles Bruxton


When you are enjoying life time flies by, when you are not it stands still, though in reflection of this stillness, the observant may note how much of it has passed, and how much has been wasted…
– Jane Wagner


Do the things you enjoy within reason. Know your body and what works for you and you’ll be fine.
– Meghan Markle


Don’t spend your life waiting for the storms otherwise you will never enjoy the sunshine.
Live your life to the fullest and rightest!


I’ve never really taken anything very seriously. I enjoy life because I enjoy making other people enjoy it.
– Tim Conway


My personal ambition remains the same – to be creative, to be modern, to stay one step ahead, to enjoy life.
– Natalie Massenet


How much you achieve in life is not as important as how much you enjoy each moment of life.


Keep calm and enjoy life!


If you want to enjoy your life at any stage, pretend yourself to be a 7 years old child.


Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.
– Wayne Dyer


It is fun to have fun but you have to know how.
– Dr. Seuss


Some people enjoy life-others just survive.
– Debasish Mridha


The point to life is not only to live it, but to enjoy it.
– Korey G. Miracle


The planet will survive. Whether we get to be here and enjoy it, or enjoy life as we’ve known it, is what’s questionable.
– Ted Danson


I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.
– Rita Mae Brown


Life is not a puzzle to solve. Stop, enjoy the journey!


Even in the mud and scum of things, something always, always sings.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson


Life is worth living as long as there’s a laugh in it.
– L.M. Montgomery


I believe in life. I know that life comes in at your heart and it doesn’t matter if you’re an actor, a filmmaker or a gentleman on the street, it comes at you. What Scientology gives me is the tools to deal with that, to better enjoy my life and to be able to contribute more.
– Tom Cruise


I get it now; I didn’t get it then. That life is about losing and about doing it as gracefully as possible…and enjoying everything in between.
– Mia Farrow


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