Love Quotes & Sayings | Quotes Painting the Colors of True Love - Page 26

Love is like glitter. It makes a mess, gets everywhere, and is hard to clean up after, but if you get it right, you’ll be glowing.


Love is something which you love to give even if you don’t get it in return.


You might get over someone, and another love will replace their ‘space’. But there will always be that scar, that will always be carved and will never leave your memory.


Love is not just a feeling, it’s a choice. You choose to feel that way. Choose wisely.


Forever is a long time; but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.


Don’t give up on love, because there is always someone who loves you. Even if it’s not the person you were hoping for.


Love is like a boomerang, you give it, you get it back.


I ran up the door, shut the stairs, put on my prayers, said my pajamas, hopped into my light and turned off the bed, all because you kissed me goodnight.


You can never completely forget about someone you truly loved regardless of how things ended. You will always carry a piece of them till you die.


The hardest thing in the universe is hear the boy you love talk about the girl you wish you were


It’s so hard to show you love someone… When it has blown up in your face so many times and you don’t want it to this time. But if you don’t show how you feel you will lose that person… Love is confusing… But God ordained it to be great, U just have to wait for the right person


We have been raised differently. We are different. There have been times our paths have crossed and separated, but in the end those paths reached each other again to form one road for us to walk together and take on whatever this journey has to offer.


Sometimes the person you really need is the one you didn’t think you wanted.


Love is the only language that you can understand through your heart…


Love when you are ready not when you’re lonely.


Do not love a person just because of the physical appearance.. But love a person for who they are.. Because true love is eternal love.. It will not change but it will last…


No matter how far apart, you will always hold the key to my heart.


Once you love someone they stay with you in your heart forever


Don’t dread on the past, enjoy tomorrow, it could be a better day than you think!


You don’t know how to love if you don’t know how to listen.


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