Love Quotes & Sayings | Quotes Painting the Colors of True Love - Page 27

Ok I don’t know if you’ll like them but they just popped up in my head
*i wanna grow old with you*
im the type of girl to walk into a chair and apoligize :P


Love is like two people holding on to a rubber band, if one lets it go, the other gets hurt.


When you love someone, all your saved- up wishes start coming out.


Love is something you can never explain. It comes when it is meant for you!


Love affairs are the only real education in life.


Love is the feeling of being incomplete without the other person.


Love is always present in our heart.
We can’t take it out from our heart because love is our happiness.


The secret to a lasting love is that men need to be needed in a way that is neither smothering nor desperate while women want to be wanted in a way that is neither possessive nor obsessive.


If you truly love someone you always put their feelings before your own.


Giving unconditional love is just as good as getting it.


Love isn’t the person you can see yourself with, it’s the person you can’t see yourself without.


When you have someone to love you are rich but when that someon loves you are the richest man in the all world…


True love is not about being inseparable, it’s about being together even when you’re apart.


You know you are in love when you catch yourself staring off in space thinking only about him (:


To love is nothing,
to be loved is something,
to llove and be loved is everything…!!!


Love gives more then just a new way of life. it gives a new outlook, a person to spend it with and, the missing part of you.


There is one thing that everyone wants in life…and that is to be loved by the one you love.


It is hard for us to forget the person that we love. But it is more harder for us to forget the sweet, sour, bitter memories that we had with them.


You just get a feeling inside you never have gotten before .. It’s called love.


Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to smile for no reason.


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