Love Quotes & Sayings | Quotes Painting the Colors of True Love - Page 32

We adore the ones who ignore us…ignore the ones that adore us… Love the ones that hurt us…and hurt the ones that love us!!


I wish I could forget you like I forget everything I’ve studied just before a test.


My boyfriend used to ask his mother,” How can I find the right women for me?” And she would answer, “Don’t worry about finding the right women, concentrate on becoming the right man.”


Every time I hear your voice, get a text or call from you, my heart beats faster.
Love is a word. Understanding love is a honor. Feeling loved is a prize.


Love is chance, if you don’t take chance, you won’t take love


If you can’t get someone out of your mind…STOP trying, the’re ment to be there!


Why does everyone just asuume that I still like you?is that really that predictable or it is that just obvious??


The worst kind of love is the one when you want someone but you know you can’t have them.


You know your in love when you can’t sleep at night cuz reality is sweeter than dreams


Sometimes you make me so mad that I want to throw you out in moving traffic, But then I realize I would kill myself trying to save you.


A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.
– Proverbs 15:1


One day I was matching stars with everything I love about you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars :)


I used to hide away my feelings…
I used to have nothing to live for…
I used to wish I had never been born…
I met you…


Falling in love is like jumping off of a very tall building. Your brain is telling you it’s not a good idea but your heart is telling you that you can fly.


They say a picture says 1000 words. But when I see yours, I only think of three…..I……LOVE….YOU


If you love someone fight for it, or else someone else will take it from you.


This isn’t a quote but something all you guys should know
If you truly love a girl at ur school or in ur life…u should tell her now how you feel about her… Before it’s too late to have her cause someone else will…


When the person you love hurts u, forgive them. When you hurt them, they’ll forgive you… Otherwise they never really loved you.


Tell her you love her before its to late, it hurts when she is gone and you can’t.


I have never wished to be everything to everyone but I am so glad now that I am something to someone.


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