Love Quotes & Sayings | Quotes Painting the Colors of True Love - Page 36

If you really love someone, you can set them free.


Don’t waste your time on someone who don’t have time for you, never let someone steal your heart if they won’t let you take theirs.


You are the reason I believed in love again; by healing my broken heart.


It takes one minute to like someone, a month to love, forever to forget, but no matter how long you wait or how hard you try there is no reason to regret.


Love is when you again and again go to whatsapp to see his/her last seen. :)


I lost my heart =[ can I have yours?


It’s hard to love someone who’s too busy loving others!


It takes millions of people to complete the world but it only takes you to complete mine.


You can’t force someone to love another and you can’t force someone to hate another but in the end were all in god’s hands so if your gonna enforce anyone’s love, force god’s.


Love is like a flower, it take time to grow.


Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I’d rather be your moon, so I can shine on you during your darkest hour.


I love you deep in my heart can’t get you outta my mind and never want to I want to lie in your arms and never go away I want to love you and never fall out


When I hear your name, my heart smiles.


She may not be the most popular or prettiest but if you love her and she makes you smile.. what else matters?
– Bob Marley


Sweet is love when all is well, cruel is death when all is hell, sweet is death to rid the pain, cruel is love when he is vain…


Why do you say you love me,
if you are only going to leave me?


If you want to win his heart, don’t break his trust.


A smile can hide everything that’s going on on the inside, but it can also make others smile with you, so I’m going to smile – and make others happy, even if I’m dying inside.


Hes not just a boy he feels diffrent and I can’t stop thinking about him,i sit in class and wonder does he really like me or am I one of those girls he knows- to David


If you really love someone and care about him, you can survive many difficulties.
– Calvin Klein


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