You got a wound on your face…owh sorry it’s your nose.

Submitted by: young almusawa

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  • Oh look?? I found your nose all up in. My damn business again!!!!
  • You remind me of Micheal Jackson’s nose.
  • Your age doesn’t lie. Neither does that face.
  • Is it just me, or do you have two faces?
  • It’s not you, it’s your face.
  • I’m sorry, you got a face that Photoshop can’t fix!
  • No need for insults, your face says it all.
  • High five! (with a shoe on your face).
  • Whenever I see your face, I feel like I am having a bad dream.
  • Your face looks like hell. Or Mexico I can’t tell.]
  • Want to tell that your attitude doesn’t fit on your toilet face.
  • You know why the earth rotates? It’s to get away from your face.
  • Can I borrow your face for Halloween?
  • God cries when he sees your face.
  • Is that your face or is it Halloween today?

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