Sad Quotes & Sayings | Sadness Quotes | Sad Love Quotes - Page 30

When I see you look at her I wish you were looking at me. I’m let down that you could go for someone so shallow when I was right in front of you. I’m really going to miss who I thought you were.


Only way to exhibit happiness is to make those who make you sad to be happy…


I’m alone in this crowded world.


Sadness is like a infectious disease, the more you hang around, the more of it you get.


Every single human being who is alive has felt this kind of pain, hopelessness, and loneliness at one time or another. We are all connected through this shared pain and struggle.
– Leo Babauta


Never be sad for what is gone cause you might get something that is more special than what you have lost.


I learned the hard way. That no matter how hard you try…wishes just don’t come true.


Nothing hurts more than realizing you had someone special; someone who cared for you; someone who loved you; and you gave that up.
– Ricky Krajewski


Unhappiness lies in that gap between our talents and our expectations.
– Sebastian Horsley


Sadness is the only thing I got from you and love is the only thing I needed from you.


There is no such thing as a darkness, only failure to see the light.


Sometimes it’s good to be alone… Because at that time, nobody hurts you…:(


Sadness does not last forever when we walk in the direction of that which we always desired.
– Paulo Coelho


Oh, how deeply I desire to end myself. How tremendously I loathe my existence. Unbearable are my days; lonely are my nights. Sweet is the numbness that I long to collapse into.
Oh, how deeply I desire to end myself.


But life isn’t hard to manage when you’ve nothing to lose.
– Ernest Hemingway


You might be crying right now about something really sad that happened. What ever happened, happened. It’s over now. Forget about it, its the past. . . And who cares about the past? You may have loved them but stuff like this ALWAYS happens. Its in the past and its over now.


Oh honey, you can’t break a broken heart.


Look at the tears, the tears that are here. You wonder why they show but you will never know. For all you see is what you want, you never see the real me. I cut my wrist just one more time and hope that I will be alright. Listen to the sound of my heart pound. Will I ever fall to the ground?


Love is the force that leaves you colorless.
– Ovid


Melancholy were the sounds on a winter’s night.
– Virginia Woolf


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