Sad Quotes & Sayings | Sadness Quotes | Sad Love Quotes - Page 31

To dare to live alone is the rarest of courage: since there are many who would rather meet their bitterest enemy in the field, than their own hearts in the closet.
– Charles Caleb Colton


No symmetry, no peace, no signs of relief, no beauty, nor grace to admire, no smiles, no love, no sun in the skies above – without You..


I never knew loneliness would hurt like this because I found myself crying to sleep and hugging a pillow, pretending it’s you. Till I fell asleep.


Every day the fat woman dies a series of small deaths.


Sometimes it’s better to stop and cry. Behind my smile is everything you will never understand.


Don’t pity the dead, pity the living and all those who can not love.


Sadness misses happiness not here; depression discounts happiness that is.
– Alan Robert Neal


It’s true, I am afraid of dying. I am afraid of the world moving forward without me, of my absence going unnoticed, or worse, being some natural force propelling life on. Is it selfish? Am I such a bad person for dreaming of a world that ends when I do? I don’t mean the world ending with respect to me, but every set of eyes closing with mine.
– Jonathan Safran Foer


Despair brings wisdom while happiness yields no fruit.


The only way to overcome sadness is to consume it.
– Jonathan Safran Foer


Sometimes I think of all the things I’ve done or actually all the things I’m doing in order to make others happy and satisfied but all I ever get in return is pain and sorrow…and I really wish that somehow someday they would feel how bad they hurt me…


He has someone.
He’s with someone.
He loves someone.
While you?
You’re out of his wonderful mind.


It is often hard to bear the tears that we ourselves have caused.
– Marcel Proust


Only the one that hurts you, can make you fell better.
Only the one that inflicts pain, can take it away.


Duct tape can fix anything but a broken heart.


The largest part of what we call ‘personality’ is determined by how we’ve opted to defend ourselves against anxiety and sadness.
– Alain de Botton


It might be painful now, but one day you’re going to look back & realize that it was only to lead you to where you are.


When can I stop lying? When can I be happy? Why am I still crying? Who am I really? When can I stop guessing, but there’s so many questions and no answers. But I still can’t find the reason to be loved.


There are many “WORST” things in life…


And we wait and we listen. And we follow. For nothing else is right in our lives. Happiness is but a figment. In the end we all leave. Say goodbye. So I shall hold your hand tighter before we fade away. We all lose this game.


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